Heru Nekhet | Biography

Please contact us at Heru@InsidersGroup.com to book Heru Nekhet for speaking engagements and book signings.

Recession Driven Riches is a comprehensive guide to stopping your financial losses and capitalizing on the wealth of opportunities that have been created by the global economic shift. In the opening chapters Nekhet takes a step by step approach to giving the reader a thorough understanding of our economic system, how and why the financial crisis occurred, as well as the revolutionary challenges we face as we leave the Industrial age and transition into the new “Innovation Age.”


Part two reveals the new opportunities created by the recession in the job market, real estate, business, and securities investing; and how best to capitalize on them with little resources and minimal risk. Part three contains a solid foundation of information that will arm you with the proper tools to significantly reduce or eliminate debt and to create a suitable plan to reposition yourself to capitalize on the billions of dollars being left on the table as others continue to lose because they engage in obsolete, post depression strategies for creating wealth.